Research Articles
Can Chiropractic Help Bedwetting
Bedwetting, also called nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis, is an involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which staying dry at night can be reasonably expected.
While most kids are fully toilet trained by age 5, bedwetting remains a problem for some children. If your child is still wetting the bed after the age of 7, there might be an underlying condition that needs attention.
What causes bedwetting?
While no one knows for sure what causes bedwetting, some factors that may play a role include:
- A small bladder
- Inability to recognize a full bladder
- A hormone inbalance
- Urinary tract infection
- Sleep apnea
- Diabetes
- Chronic constipation
- A structural problem in the urinary tract or nervous system
Risk factors
Bedwetting can affect anyone, but it’s twice as common in boys as in girls. Some factors that have been associated with an increased risk of bedwetting include stress and anxiety, family history, and even ADHD.
Complications from bedwetting
Although bedwetting doesn’t pose any serious health risks, it can be extremely frustrating for your child. The guilt and embarrassment associated with bedwetting can cause children to have low self-esteem. Additionally, it may cause them to miss out on social activities such as sleepovers or going to camp. Lastly, bedwetting can cause painful rashes if your child sleeps in wet underwear.
How is bedwetting treated?
The most common treatment options for bedwetting include setting alarms, medication, lifestyle remedies, and alternative medicine (such as chiropractic care).
The easiest, and most noninvasive treatment method is lifestyle remedies. Prior to starting your child on medication, or receiving chiropractic care, it is recommended that you try the following:
- Limit fluids in the evening
- Avoid beverages and foods with caffeine
- Encourage regular toilet use throughout the day
- Encourage double voiding before bed
If your child’s bedwetting does not improve after implementing these lifestyle changes, there may be a structural problem causing them to wet the bed. This issue can be diagnosed and addressed by a chiropractor.
Chiropractic for treating bedwetting
Bedwetting is actually a common issue treated by chiropractors. A large number of studies have been conducted by doctors, universities, and research groups showing that chiropractic adjustments can solve bedwetting problems in as little as two to three visits.
A study published in Today’s Chiropractic in 2001 presented two extreme cases of bedwetting:
Esta, a 4-year-old female, wet the bed nearly every night. A chiropractor found that subluxations existed at her sacrum, ilium, T3, T5, and cervical area. She underwent chiropractic treatment and did not have any more bedwetting issues after just three visits.
Aaron, a 5-year-old male, had pain in his feet in addition to nightly bedwetting. A chiropractor found that subluxations existed at his sacrum, ilium, thoracic, and cervical spine. Calcaneal vaglus, an inward bending of the ankles, was also found in both feet. Chiropractic adjustments were performed and he no longer complained of foot pain. Additionally, his mother reported that he was dry about half the nights since his initial visit. After 10 chiropractic adjustments, Aaron’s bedwetting was totally resolved.
Another astounding study, published in the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter, detailed the case of a 6-year-old boy suffering from nightly nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting), ADHD, and toe walking.
Doctors recommended that the child have both of his Achilles’ tendons cut and ankles broke to achieve normal posture and walking gait.
A chiropractor performed a comprehensive evaluation of the boy and found subluxations at the atlas, occiput, sacrum, and pelvis. The child underwent chiropractic treatment and after just 4 weeks of care, both heels dropped 2 inches. Additionally, his bedwetting decreased to just 2-3 nights per week.
Another study titled, “Marko, RB Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol 1 No 1” examines two cases of bedwetting:
The first case is a 5-year-old female who has been wetting her bed for 6 months straight. She was prescribed antibiotics for what medical doctors diagnosed as a bladder infection. She underwent chiropractic treatment and her bedwetting stopped after just 2 adjustments.
The second case is a 9-year-old male who wet his bed almost every night. During his first 6 months of chiropractic treatment, he would remain dry for one or two days after his adjustment. A change in his chiropractic adjustment to the sacrum resulted in greater improvement. He is now dry one-half to two-thirds of the nights between adjustments.
How long does it take to see results?
Patients at our practice have seen improvement in bedwetting after just one visit. Every situation is different, which is why your child will need to undergo a comprehensive evaluation to properly diagnose their issue.
If your child is suffering from bedwetting, please reach out to us to schedule an appointment with our office. Their issue might be easily solved with chiropractic treatment!
You can schedule their appointment online, or call our office at (972) 818-5820. We look forward to helping your child at Restoration Chiropractic!
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